Friends of Leighfield School

A warm welcome to you all from the Friends of Leighfield School (FOLS)

FOLS is a registered charity and we have two main aims – one of our main aims is to provide opportunities for parents/carers and children at the school to socialise and have fun, strengthening the school community and, our other main aim is to organise events and activities to raise funds for the school and the children who attend it. We hold various events throughout the year – some are just for the children (for example, school discos), some are just for the grown ups (for example, quiz nights) and some are for everyone (for example, summer fetes and Christmas fayres).

Over the years, the funds raised from our events have been used to provide a range of facilities and experiences such as:

  • Enrichment days (including visits from Mad Science and Bugtopia the Zoo)
  • iPads
  • A new sound system
  • Books for the library
  • Goal posts
  • Trim Trail
  • Playground markings
  • Redevelopment of the Conservation Area
  • Improvements to the Reception class playground

FOLS is open to everyone! We hold meetings throughout the year, which you are welcome to attend without any commitment. It is a great way to learn more about what is happening in school and get to know members of our fabulous school community!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing as many people as possible at future events and meetings.

 Amazon Smile – When you shop @AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to Friends of Leighfield School.

ChairLibby Garden
Vice ChairPaula Donaldson
Vice ChairCharlie Schofield
TreasurerHelen Randle
SecretaryCharlotte Finch

No upcoming events – Collect donations for FOLS when you shop online. It doesn’t cost you a penny extra! – FOLS receive cashback every time an order is placed, using the unique code (URN) 139481

 Amazon Smile – When you shop @AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to Friends of Leighfield School.
